¡A lavarse los dientes!

Video para motivación hábitos saludables.

Cuadro resumen
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¿Qué podemos trabajar?
 Motivación – cepillarse los dientes
 Cualquier curso.
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 No es necesario usar PDI
 1’ 31’’

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Brush brushy brush, brushy brush brush
Brush brushy brush, brushy brush brush
Brushy brush them up and down
Brushy brush them round and round
To keep teeth healthy here’s the truth
You gotta brush each and every tooth
The teeth in the back get a lot of wear
So don’t forget to wash back there!
Brush your teeth; keep them looking clean and bright
Brush your teeth; every day and every night
Now your toothpaste may taste good
When you’ve got it in your mouth
But you should never swallow it
You got, got, gotta spit it out
(Go on and spit, we’ll wait for it!)
Brush your teeth; keep them looking clean and bright
Brush your teeth; every day and every night
Now what you feel inside is what you gotta do
Let them get your toothbrush out now just keep brushing
Brush your teeth … looks like you’re almost done
5, 4 … 3, 2, 1 (spit).